Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Attention is in short supply

This week is vacation bible school at church. Every night from 6-8:30. The girls also have therapy Monday through Thursday in the afternoons. That leaves us going to bed much later than usual and completely exhausted. This morning we tried to do some school work and we weren't very successful. They can sit still (probably because they don't have the energy to move) but can't pay attention or answer a question to save their lives. We tried to do some pages on what goes together. The first page went fine. There was a picture of a house and then some objects that I cut out. They had to say whether the object belonged in the kitchen or the bedroom. Emma got to hold the glue stick and Alex got to place the object. She did fine for 5 items but got mixed up on the dresser. She put it in the kitchen. In her defense, I have a dresser in my kitchen. So while that answer may have technically been wrong, she was actually right. After that it went down hill. Just about every answer was "I don't know." We finished up the page we had started and called it quits. I don't think I will attempt much more school work this week since there is so much else going on.