Friday, January 16, 2009


Seems we've done more with Play-Doh this week than anything else. The girls got a canister of play-doh and toys for Christmas and we've had a lot of fun with it. Of course it is more developmental work than academic, but important just the same. I'm trying to encourage Alex to use her right hand more, she keeps it curled up most of the time and doesn't use it much. Emma really started getting independent and using the tools herself. Oh, and it was fun.
We also had some craft stuff from Uncle Pat for Christmas that we've played with. Pipe cleaners, foam stickers, googly eyes, pompoms, etc. We used the foam letters to spell their names and they picked other stickers to decorate with. They each also made a silly face with the supplies and we hung them all in the living room. I wouldn't say that they are very independently creative with this stuff, not in the sense of coming up with things to create. But, we are working on it.
There has been no occupational therapy this week because Daryl was out, but they did have speech and physical therapy. They also spent a morning with Lisa and the girls to play while I got my hair done. Nonnie came to stay one evening with them and Courtney came the next evening so I could attend church meetings. Last night we went to Fun City with Kyle, Misty, Kayla & Braeden and the kids seemed to have a good time. There has definitely been a lot of social time this week and today we are recovering from it all!