Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's been a while

Drew was home this past weekend and we didn't even think about school work. Getting back into a routine has proven difficult while trying to get used to Drew leaving again. We are all three having a hard time.
This morning Alex & I did some work while Emma strangled the puppy. The workbook was colors and shapes. She knows her colors and can name her shapes, but tracing them was good fine motor practice. She still loves to do mazes, but won't use colors to do workbook pages... she needs a pen. She's a big girl, you know.
Monday Alex had PT & Emma had OT. Tuesday Alex had speech, OT & PT and Emma had PT and finished her speech eval. On that language test she scored average and didn't qualify for therapy. I was thrilled about that, but she did qualify on another, so she will start getting a day of speech next week. Today Alex had PT & Emma had OT.
Mary Grace & Hannah came over to play tonight while Ross & Lisa went to look at a house. The girls are getting so used to each other that they are beginning to treat each other like sisters. Mary Grace is big enough to be the 'little mother' and takes care of everybody. I think that MG & Hannah's imaginations and pretend play are good for my girls.