Monday, June 23, 2008


Today we did school work in the bathtub! The girls played with foam soap (like shaving cream) and Alex & I wrote all the letters on the wall. She did amazingly well. I haven’t purchased the Handwriting Without Tears program, but I am trying to incorporate some of the principles in that program. I bought new play dough and tomorrow we will use it to play (sensory & fine motor skills) and also to form letters. This should help each of the girls with letter recognition and formation without the stress of writing the letters.

We went to Sunday school and church this morning, then home for quiet/nap time. Then we spent about an hour and a half at the pool this afternoon.

I don’t always blog it, but be always read for about 30 minutes in the evening (sometimes more). We read for several reasons. It is party interactive… Alex reading along or repeating what I read, looking at the pictures, me asking questions and trying to incorporate some of the things we have been working on. When I ask questions I encourage them to answer in full sentences instead of just one word answers. It is also a great time to wind down and relax after the day. Sometimes they pick the books; sometimes they want me to pick the books.

Manners are going well. Excuse me, I’m sorry, please, thank you, & you’re welcome are regularly used by both girls. I try to not give Emma what she wants when she yells or whines. I make her say it nicely and use please before she gets what she wants.

We started up the new potty training today. Last night I made the girls each a potty chart. Beginning this morning they used the potty. Alex always goes when she sits on the potty, but can’t usually stay dry between potty trips. Emma sits on the potty but still doesn’t do anything, although she did poop at little in it today! They each get a sticker for sitting on the potty, whether they are able to do anything or not. I’m rewarding the effort right now. And of course they get to wipe, flush, and wash hands with each trip to the potty.

Tonight I made another set of letter cards with uppercase and lowercase letters. Tomorrow we will play the game where they try to match each letter with its partner letter.