Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Catch up

We've been doing school work, I just haven't been blogging on it. Lots of reading. Lots of ABC's. Lots of coloring. Today we made a color book. I pulled out 6 different colors of construction paper and we went through a magazine and cut out things of each color. The girls took turns finding, cutting and gluing. Cutting is next to impossible for Alex. She is so contracted and has very little coordination with scissors. We tried anyway. Then I asked the girls where they would like to hang them. "My room," was the answer. So we hung them on the closet door and looked over them. Alex does great with colors, I'm hoping all the repetition will help Emma.
We also spent some time with flash cards and using full sentences, not just one word answers. I'm also making an effort to get Alex to predict things. Even when there is no 'right' answer. "The dog is running." "Where do you think the dog is going?" Things like that. Then we come up with different scenarios.
Yesterday Alex has PT, ST & OT. Emma had ST & PT. Today Alex has PT and Emma had OT.
Emma has met a few of her speech goals and is moving on to a few new ones... like 's' blends.