Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Alex had ST, OT, and PT today. Emma had PT and then finished her speech eval. She just barely qualified for therapy, only a mild delay. Heidi is going to check on scheduling and get back with me. I'm fine with her getting therapy for that right now. If she needs it then great, but I have to say that I feel great knowing there is only a mild delay. I must also say that since she is 37 months old she has to be tested in the 36-41 month range. So there are many skills that she may have 4 months from now and just hasn't had time to reach yet.
We read books for about half and hour tonight. Alex loves Margaret Wise Brown books because they are fun for her to repeat and read along with me. We have 'The Runaway Bunny', 'My World' (her favorite), and 'Goodnight Moon'. Emma is continuing to take more and more interest in books and is able to sit still and hold her attention much longer than even a month ago.
Alex often leaves out little words in sentences. For example, she may say, "Emma wear nightgown." So tonight when I was getting them ready for bed we narrated each step and made a point to say, "Emma is wearing a nightgown." I would just say a few words at a time and emphasize the 'is' and 'a' and she was picking up on it and doing it great. Emma also participated in this some.